We are all white in bones, red in blood- Tất cả chúng ta cùng xương trắng, máu đào ( English and Vietnamese)
It doesn't matterThe hands, what color?When we touch each otherAnd feel human loveHand touching handFeeling human loveRunning through the fingers?What color, your skin?We have the same thingsBones are whiteBlood is redWhy not getAlong in peace?Đâu có gì quan trọngMàu da trắng? vàng? nâu?Khi ta chạm vào nhauCảm nhận tình nhân loạiBàn tay nắm bàn tayCảm nhận tình thân áiDù da bạn màu gìChúng ta vẫn giống nhauXướng trắngMáu đào Sao không cùngHòa bình chung sống?By Lan Nguyen Thi Lan
We are all white in bones, red in blood- Tất cả chúng ta cùng xương trắng, máu đào ( English and Vietnamese)
It doesn't matter The hands, what color? When we touch each other And feel human love Hand touching hand Feeling human love Running through the fingers? What color, your skin? We have the same things Bones are white Blood is red Why not get Along in peace? Đâu có gì quan trọng Màu da trắng? vàng? nâu? Khi ta chạm vào nhau Cảm nhận tình nhân loại Bàn tay nắm bàn tay Cảm nhận tình thân ái Dù da bạn màu gì Chúng ta vẫn giống nhau Xướng trắng Máu đào Sao không cùng Hòa bình chung sống? By Lan Nguyen Thi Lan
slap! my hand is on top
slap! now his
slap! now hers
slap! now mine again
slap! from the bottom a new one comes up
slap! slap! slap!
yes! I win!
The world is beautiful
with a variety of people
different race and color
with humanity as staple
with smile is an essence
and love as strength
Hands gather across the shores
It matters little if you are rich or poor.
Come together be a bright light that shines,
Shatter the darkness bring love to mankind
Working together a new peace to create,
Bring forth a world of love destroy hate.
Peace begins with the human devotion,
Shine your light set peace in motion.
© Cynthia Clark
We all come from the desert root of the African tree.
Generations embarked away from the motherland for other sights to see.
Some crafted other empires and some found slavery and diease.
All I know Africa is no matter how light my roots have become over time,
You'll always be apart of me.
Some may have forgotten that this is where the biblical and mythology started,
but somehow your roots we all will always be apart of.
Do you remember the words that you spoke as you held my hand?
"No matter how hard you struggle child be proud that I'm in your veins.
For that is where I'll always remain."
Well written
We all come from the desert root of the African tree.
Generations embarked away from the mother for other sights to see.
Some crafted other empires and some found slavery and diease.
All I know Africa no matter how light my roots have become,
You'll always be apart of me.
Some may have forgotten that this is where the biblical and mythology started,
but someone how your roots we all will always be apart of.
Do you remember the words that you spoke as you held my hand?
"No matter the hard you struggle child be proud that I'm in your veins.
For that is where I'll always remain."
Hand Colors
White hand,
Brown hand,
Black hand,
All of the fingertips touching
All different, all the same
Hands reach out,
Touch each other.
All different, all the same.
Lets be the difference
Lets love each other
Lets be each other's support together
Lets be friends
Lets unite and show the world that we are one
The colour of our skin does not matter to us