Are you real, is this really you?
when I take a second look, I see it really could be true.
Your so very special, you cater to my wants and needs,
Your the first one there if I fail or show happiness if I succeed.
Your heart is like an open vista, So kind , loving and wise
Your the first one I would go to if I really need advice
Your eyes are like the water in a crispy, cold blue lake.
Your mouth formed so perfectly, God had in mind my soulmate.
Your soul is so very gentle, the infinite ways we interact,
Your highly intelligent, I can ask you if its fiction or its fact.
Are you real, you seem too perfect, is this really who,
I was lucky enough to marry, I will never stop loving you.
Beautiful ☓
It is good to have someone you can rely on. Nice write. Enjoyed the read.