Sitting on the creek bank, fishing pole in
hand, Lazy and daydreaming thinking bout my man. Well,
when I hook one (fish that is,) Gotta be patient
don't want to miss. Gonna be good,Gonna be just
right, Fishing when the sun goes down tonight.
Right now I've lost my concentration, Cause a certain
mans,captured my imagination. Oh well, hooks still in
the water, surely one will bite, if it don't I can
catfish in the moonlight.Maybe then I'll be over this
crazy phase of mine,cause catfish over a campfire
tastes mighty fine. Where is he reckon what he's
doin tonight?Now There I go again thinking about what
could have been. Oh, shoot a big one (fish that is)
bout let it get away,got my mind on a man,don't even
know his name. When I meet him, what will he be
like? Will he like to fish, will he like to hike.How
about a campfire, on a hot summers night, and making
love under the moonlight. Oops back to fishing, or
it's sandwiches for supper, course I guess one is as
good as the other.There's one thing I want more than
catfish tonight, your arms holding me tight.
© Cynthia Clark