Sat alone in their room Vulnerable child not yet groomed On the computer with dirty men pretending to be young and their friend The fake young person starts a chat A little bit of this a little bit of that Luring the vulnerable child falsely to a dare Take your pants off and sit on the chair Angle the camera between your thighs As your reward I've got a surprise The fake friend continues with the chat A little bit of this and a little bit of that The vulnerable child chats right back pleased to be making friends Agrees to meet the very next day, in a car park a few miles away No one knows about the meet, no one is aware The vulnerable child is alone and about to find out their fake friend is really 48 For the vulnerable child it is too late, about to find out where lies their fate All because they were eager to be accepted socially
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WOAH!! After reading this is such a reminder how children are getting lured into these situations due to online predators. Parents need to be more aware and protective over their children.
Sadly true Julie very difficult to police but as a parent connect with your child and hopefully they will then feel able to tell you if anything scares them.
Unfortunately this is so very easy to do. also unfortunately there are too many grown men and women willing to do this to take advantage of young kids.
It is a sad thing that it really happens so much. It is not a new trend. It has been going on throughout time. It just came to light with technology. Media has made us aware. Child slavery is a horrible thing. Well written, Jackie.
Lee thank you for reading and commenting I agree with the negative score. Its something that is not going to go away unfortunately, we have to learn how to deal with it ☓
I give your writing skills a +10, and I give the fact that this is a real thing that happens out there a -100!
I wrote this after watching a show tonight about grooming online and how easy it is to set up as a 13 year old and blend in, no checks are done before you start chatting in chat rooms