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Official member of Realistic Poetry International - Nolan P. Holloway
https://www.facebook.com/npholloway - Born in the Bronx, NY (Now living in Georgia)
“If air is the breath of life and dreams are of the mind, I will breathe my dreams to life”
Poet Bio
- I have been writing poetry since 2010 and it was something very unexpected. The first wave resulting in over 100 scribes which I shared with online groups, family and friends. Also attended spoken word events to recite in front of a live audience. The blessings have continued. Additional grandchildren and brought a new home. Have three published works of poetry. Living and enjoying life.

Why you choose to be a member of Realistic Poetry International
- I enjoy how your site honors and encourages poets. Our genre is not as popular in some circles, but I feel it is very important. And Realistic Poetry International understands that on a global scale.
Poetry is important to me because
That is what I started writing when my gift was realized. People have suggested that I move to another form but poetry I feel is my calling.
You can read my poetry by clicking the link below.
Learn more about this poet
Began writing poetry 2010 at 51 years old Joined multiple poetry sites to interact with fellow poets Published three books since 2012 Into My Rotation, A Collection of Scribes Journey to The Poetic Light, Illuminations Life Between the Words Work has been featured in anthologies Love is A Four Letter Word Shades of the Same Skin Interviewed on internet radio shows Sizzlin Sundays DowntownHottRadio World Poetry (From Canada) Recited from my work at various events Do You Lyric Lounge Lakewood Church of Hope Book featured at the Gwinnett Public Library Also at MEDU bookstore at Greenbrier Mall Cohost on Level Up, an internet radio show 5 Star review from Realistic Poetry International Featured author in Swagher Magazine
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I believe the best way people can support me is by giving feedback of my poetry. Let me know if my writing is appealing and moving. I can take the negative feedback as well. This will defiantly make me into a better writer.
Featured Product
Life Between the Words
Life Between The Words brings together heartbreak, grief, hope and determination. A prevalent struggle to keep the faith is what binds these pages together. These poems explore the human condition loudly and expressively, through the key events that define us - birth, growth and aspirations, conflict and mortality. They question the moral and philosophical natures of duality. Can good exist without evil? As you devour these verses you will get an insight into an altruistic and loving conscience battling all too-human evil demons. And it will open your mind wide. Poignant and reflective, at times hard to decipher between the sharp air of resignation or the soft breath of forgiveness, though both equally important.These words are uplifting and inspirational. They tell of a life that learnt to trust and believe in second chances, along with the power and importance of self-preservation, to let go and live to taste redemption.- L. J. Diaz, Author of Catching Snowflakes
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