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Official member of Realistic Poetry International - Vermillion Scythe
Personally, I don't have a favorite quote. I do like many quotes such as Douglas M. saying that most rules are meant to be broken, though, but I don't have a specific favorite quote from another author.
Poet Bio
- First and foremost, I am a poet. I like to write just for the sake of it and creativity. I like activities that have infinite possibilities and outcomes, no matter how many times you try it out. All of my poems show my creative taste, philosophy, humor, truthful lessons about life, etc. Also, I don't like to tell others who I am in real life because I don't like getting close to people face to face in real life, including on the internet. Although, I will say a few personal philosophies I have. First, if I am going to be known as a poet, I don't want people to remember who I am in life, but I believe my works themselves should be because nobody lives forever, though our poems can for centuries. Second, when living life on Earth, the most important human to ever trust in is yourself, it's never fun to live in someone else's footsteps. That would defeat the purpose of being yourself. Third and last for this bio, all poets should be infinitely courageous to express their creativity, no matter what.

Why you choose to be a member of Realistic Poetry International
- I chose to be a member of Realistic Poetry International because I love poetry and it makes logical sense to join my fellow poets in this community, even though I don't like getting close with people, without exception.
Poetry is important to me because
Poetry is important to me because it relates to the imagination, the realm of infinite possibilities. I like being to do anything I want, however I want, any time I want, anywhere I want, as much as I want, as long as I want, etc., without any restriction nor requirement of any kind.
You can read my poetry by clicking the link below.
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Some of my goals are to win poetry contests, but I don't care about money, I care about medals, trophies, and certificates. Any contest that doesn't have a medal in it, I won't enter it because the medal would act as physical proof I won something and it's pleasant to use as a symbol of hope and memory to keep doing poetry. Although, I view the money in any contest as a nice bonus.
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I don't want their help in any way in terms of the poetry I write. I like doing anything and everything I do by myself, unless there are projects or tasks where I have to work with others, but that's a whole different story. I like to legitimately earn the respect of people who read my poems, getting positive feedback, and that's it for that.
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