Don't miss your chance to win!

Guidelines & Rules
Whether it's your first poem or your hundredth, we're proud to help you share your words with the world. We are a community that encourages creativity, self-expression, and art. Each day, poets just like you share their poems on our platform.
Each month will have its own set of rules. Please follow the rules if you wish to participate.
First Place Winner will receive $100.00 cash!
We will share your words with our entire social media of over 100,000 followers if you are selected as the winner to help you gain recognition and new followers.
Members and non-members are invited to participate this month.
Multiple entries are strongly suggested.
All poems will be accepted into this contest.
We accept all languages.
Worldwide submissions are accepted.
Previously published poems are accepted.
You retain all rights to your poem.
All multiple submissions are to be emailed to us at after payment is made (submissions can be sent in separate emails or as one email attachment.)
Monthly contest winners will be announced on the 15th of every month.
Note: A single poet can win in multiple contests.
Get unlimited contest entries!
We hope everyone can have fun, be creative, and give it their best! If you do not win, don’t worry, we’ll start a new contest next month to give as many poets the opportunity to win as possible. Thank you for your interest in Realistic Poetry International!