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Memory Lane Poetry Contest!

In the Memory Lane Poetry Contest, poets are invited to take a walk down memory lane and reflect on a significant moment or memory from their past. The challenge is to transform this memory into a captivating poetic narrative. The memory could be joyful, bittersweet, life-changing, or a small but meaningful event. The goal is to evoke emotion, create vivid imagery, and share the impact of this memory in poetic form.


  1. Multiple entries are strongly suggested.

  2. We are accepting essays, videos, poetry, short stories, and more!

  3. All poems will be accepted into this contest.

  4. We accept all languages.

  5. Worldwide submissions are accepted.

  6. Previously published poems are accepted.

  7. You retain all rights to your poem

  8. The last day to submit for this contest is Nov 1, 2024.​

  9. Monthly contest winners will be announced on the 15th of every month. 


  1. First Place Winner will receive $100.00 cash!

  2. Poetry Trophy

  3. Poetry Certificate

  4. Featured Poet 

  5. We will share your words with our entire social media of over 100,000 followers if you are selected as the winner to help you gain recognition and new followers.


  1. All Members are invited to participate.

  2. Only paid official members can win the cash prize. Become an Official RPI Member! (

  3. Paid verified Twitter/X Subscribers can win cash prize and post submissions directly to social media.

  4. Non-official members are free to participate but are excluded from winning the cash prize. 

  5. Free submission for all Amazon reviews. Leave a book review on Amazon and receive 7 free submissions eligible for cash prize! 

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