On Freedom shore I stand, a pendant of freedom held in my hand.
The freedom that I enjoy came from the sacrifices of those who stood against tyranny.
Those who fought came in all shapes and sizes, all religions, and those who have none.
Every race and nationally have heard the calls to arms.
Not everyone who served, was citizen, or looked upon with respect when they return home.
Many people who talk and look down on other, but claiming they are patriots, but never did they serve.
These people won’t lift a hand for a homeless Vet. The Military says no man left behind
Our government does nothing for the ones lying on the streets of our own land. but that doesn’t mean that soldier laying there has left the war, for it’s in their heads.
We have others lost in a system, discarded by those at the top, politicians who scream and shout for money for defense, but not one cent for those who are lost.
There are those who across the border illegally looking for a better life, they join the military on promises of citizenship.
But upon return they throwing out of the Country, deny their rights as vet
Our racist country uses minority and the poor as cannon fodder, while the rich stay at home where it’s safe.
Yes, the freedom won, on these shores where we stand come from those who blood was spill.
So fly the flag and beat your chest to show your patriotism if you will.
But don’t push it down my throat, for I did my time in hell.
The truth be known, that many wars we fight are wars to take the land of others.
Oil and other resources from those lands we take, their home destroyed by bombs we made to keep the wealth growing, so our freedom comes at the price of others. By the way we don’t take refugee!
I hope someday that we will learn that freedom does not come from hate, but its love and caring for the whole human race that will bring a lasting peace. On the shore of a small planet in space, our only place, if we do not achieve a world at peace, then freedom is not to be for we are shackled to fear of wars and tyranny!
In Hawaii, the hula girls sway
in the tepid breezes under the palm trees.
I know you are not like those women
who have bronzed, perfectly shaped bodies,
but I know your skin cries out
for crystalline blue water.
You abandon the rigidness of city life,
wade out of the last five painful years,
the water tickling your ankles,
splashing your knees.
You abandon yourself,
your arms beating like pelican wings.
Smiling, you immerse yourself
in the ocean’s warm water,
rinsing the smell of our sadness out of you.
You stand, so refreshed, shaking
the drops off your wrinkled body.
Your eyes focus on the line
of the aquatic horizon.
You see heaven’s paradise
and dive into the ocean
like a dolphin.
The Ocean’s breath upon my skin,
The journey for freedom about to begin.
I hold my banner high and proud,
Shouting to the world, shouting loud.
I escaped. He has no hold on me anymore,
Breathing deeply, I stand on life’s shore.
No more fear or eggshells to cross,
No more finding myself at a loss.
Freedom from pain, his anger, my fear,
Freedom from the flow of unwanted tears.
Freedom entering a new life on my own,
Freedom of a life to enjoy all alone.
© Cynthia Clark
Very well written Eileen. I think you like history.
Gill I thank everyone that has fought for our freedom. As far back as the Revolutionary war men and women have fought and died for us. Thank you.
Very well done, love it. I would also add She was a spy for the Union army
Harriet Tubman, the Female Moses
Born a nineteenth century slave, destined to work
the fields on Maryland’s Eastern Shore,
Harriet Tubman saw the injustice done to her people
by cruel, heartless slave masters.
She was outraged that they were forced to work from sunup
to sundown always at the mercy of this peculiar institution.
The dream she had was that no man or woman
would be unwillingly forced to work for another.
Like Moses in the Bible, she took up the call to escape.
She led the enslaved Negroes to northern free states
by way of the Underground Railroad under the dark of night.
Unlike the Biblical character,
she was a Negress;
a slave, a woman;
less than a second class citizen.
But she never let the consequences of her actions
deter her from her mission.
She risked her own life to help others.
For many slaves who were caught escaping
were put to death and this sister knew that.
Hundreds of slaves escaped to freedom because
of the vision and action of this brave woman.
by Eileen Sateriale
A look at Freedom
On Freedom shore I stand, a pendant of freedom held in my hand.
The freedom that I enjoy came from the sacrifices of those who stood against tyranny.
Those who fought came in all shapes and sizes, all religions, and those who have none.
Every race and nationally have heard the calls to arms.
Not everyone who served, was citizen, or looked upon with respect when they return home.
Many people who talk and look down on other, but claiming they are patriots, but never did they serve.
These people won’t lift a hand for a homeless Vet. The Military says no man left behind
Our government does nothing for the ones lying on the streets of our own land. but that doesn’t mean that soldier laying there has left the war, for it’s in their heads.
We have others lost in a system, discarded by those at the top, politicians who scream and shout for money for defense, but not one cent for those who are lost.
There are those who across the border illegally looking for a better life, they join the military on promises of citizenship.
But upon return they throwing out of the Country, deny their rights as vet
Our racist country uses minority and the poor as cannon fodder, while the rich stay at home where it’s safe.
Yes, the freedom won, on these shores where we stand come from those who blood was spill.
So fly the flag and beat your chest to show your patriotism if you will.
But don’t push it down my throat, for I did my time in hell.
The truth be known, that many wars we fight are wars to take the land of others.
Oil and other resources from those lands we take, their home destroyed by bombs we made to keep the wealth growing, so our freedom comes at the price of others. By the way we don’t take refugee!
I hope someday that we will learn that freedom does not come from hate, but its love and caring for the whole human race that will bring a lasting peace. On the shore of a small planet in space, our only place, if we do not achieve a world at peace, then freedom is not to be for we are shackled to fear of wars and tyranny!
Guildford H Windley
March 14, 2018