So small was she dainty and light,
Long Golden locks and blue eyes shining bright.
A silver locket, a key clasped tight,
Fate foretold, of a coming knight.
He alone held the lock for the key,
Life, love, dreams, he was destiny.
Many men sought the maidens hand,
But her soul was taken by an unknown man.
All along the castle keep pacing to and fro,
Soon a quite despair and silver tears began to flow.
A great Lord was her papa, tis time for her to wed,
Each day he pushed her closer to the marriage bed.
She would have naught save the one to come,
And her papa despaired she chose none.
A great plan he began to devise,
One filled with deceit and lies.
Abed in the wee hours of the morn,
He arranged for the theft of his first born.
She kicked and struggled, so desperately fought,
But she could not rid herself of the sack cloth.
Twas a small boat she could feel the sea beneath,
The tears came as the shore left her reach.
Was only meant to scare his dainty lass,
But a terrible fate came to pass.
The Lords confident now had her in his clutches,
Many times, after her he had lusted.
Maniacal laughter for now he had won,
She would grace his bed before the morning sun.
His ship readied now aboard they set sail,
Her screams were heard, through a nightmarish hell.
His twisted fingers long sharp tips,
Ripped her dress, as he bit her lip.
Agony, torture, as he pinched her breast,
Biting fiercely flesh from her chest.
He loosed his britches prepared to mount,
But was interrupted by the first mates shout.
"Pirates, bloody pirates, 3 ships, surround,"
So quietly they crept, making nary a sound.
The Captain in a rage for his lust incomplete,
Angrily, pulled his pants and placed his boots upon his feet.
Cannon balls were fired, each direction they come,
The Captain asked for no quarter and was given none.
Crimson blood flowed the deck as the pirates came aboard,
A sword thrust his heart, the captain knew no more.
"Quarter, quarter" the first mate, yelled,
But twas much too late for he journeyed into hell.
Gold and silver, riches they need,
A war to finance, was not simple greed.
The captain’s cabin, finally entered, an unexpected sight,
A small curled up maiden crying in fright.
No wish to harm her, but knowing not what to do,
Along with the riches they took her too.
No harm to her, her fears they tried to soothe,
She quieted as she realized they spoke the truth.
Soon seas end they rowed ashore,
An underground tunnel, they entered a secret door.
Inside the castle they bade her quiet,
No harm would befall her from this Lords Knight.
Twists and turns, a massive maze of rooms,
Aye and through the windows the sunlight of noon.
Another exit, tulips and roses, amass,
Carefully enclosed in a room of glass.
So weary was she, her small feet could no longer tread,
Ah, to be at home in her comfortable bed.
She felt faint, her mind became weak,
Blackness overcome, and she began to sink.
Light replaced darkness, then light once again,
As she woke she stared at a most handsome man.
Long curled hair the color of a raven’s wings,
And smiling eyes, the color of an emeralds green.
His smile was enchanting, it lit his face,
An upon his neck a lock was in place.
Her knight, her soul, her dream lover,
Twas true, there could be no other.
She removed her locket released the key,
He removed the lock, it opened free.
Soon they were wed, her Lord papa was told,
He wept, as he saw her band of gold.
Her adventures she related, he never spoke of his part,
He never meant harm to the daughter of his heart.
© Cynthia Clark
Ahoy me matey that was fine reading a great story that was told of The Bravery and the boldness on the high seas and everlasting love how the pirate and me great one Cynthia loved it