Cities are dirty, grimy places
Full of people with interesting faces.
There's dark hair, blonde hair, red hair, white hair and grey ; imagine all the colours of a rainbow and then add a few.
There's fair skin, dark skin, olive skin and mellow tones too.
There's small eyes, wide eyes, blue eyes, green eyes, grey eyes and brown; some have 20:20 vision, some hide behind glasses, some wear contact lenses to enhance their sight, some have a world of darkness behind their eyes.
There's large noses, small noses, wide noses, button noses, some hold glasses upon their face, some are cumbersome, some full of grace.
There's clear skin, wrinkled skin, acne skin, damaged skin, translucent skin, soft skin, dry skin, sunkissed skin, sunburnt skin.
There's big ears, small ears, pierced ears, cauliflower ears, ears with rings in to make them wide; some people wear hearing aids to enhance what they hear, some live in total silence.
Some people are tall, some are short, some are able to walk, some need assistance every day to be able to walk even a small way.
There are cyclists and runners on every street, roller skaters, walkers your most likely to meet; add in football, cricket and rugby players too, basketball, rounders, netball, tennis and golf, squash, badminton, swimming and diving, there's such diversity in all that we do.
Libraries and Museums open their doors, sshh be quiet, though it's free to explore.
Shops, coffee shops, hairdressers a plenty, though some of the bigger spaces remain empty; cost of rent is exceedingly high and don't even think about the option to buy.
There's leisure parks to walk and have fun with your dogs, parks with swings and roundabouts for your children who are young.
Some Cities have rivers, some have canals built to let barges through.
Some Cities have harbours, marinas too, look over the Ocean at a sea that's blue.
All Cities have Universities to provide education to those from home or from far and wide.
Spoilt for choice of courses to attend there's professions of course, doctors, dentists, lawyers and nurses, accountants and vets. There's media, dance, English language and literature, geography, history and maths. There's IT, cookery and drama and how to handle a camera. There's business and entertainment, wedding planning and Latin. Any subject of your choice can be found somewhere around.
You can find comedy clubs, poetry readings, chess clubs, scout clubs, lego groups, cookery classes, sewing classes, reading groups, right outside your door, if you took the chance to look around your neighbourhood and the time to explore.
Don't write off the City though it may look dirty and grimy in places, it is as you can see, full of interesting people and places.
Thank you Cynthia ☓
Great write. People anywhere are interesting to watch. Many faces, many cultures. Thank you for sharing
Thank you Samantha x