It's been snowing here for over an hour, its not even laid a trace Its wet outside and this time our country will not be disgraced, as everything halts for a drop of the white, for us in The UK it is not an annual sight So much excitement usually exists when a little dusting of the white stuff makes our pavements glist But for today we will not panic, nor make our way home early from work Instead we will watch the snow falling around and be thankful that its not settling on the ground That people will not be stranded in their cars far from home That accidents will not happen on streets that are frozen with ice That buses and trains will make their journey's to the end, reuniting families and best friends Last time it snowed people were cut off, drifts of ten feet deep, this brought out the best in people who offered services to the elderly and housebound utilising their jeeps. Today we may decide to stay in all day, keep safe and out of harms way, safely watching the snow fall to the ground making us breathless with its beauty but not bringing us to our knees Taunting us with the promise of foot deep snow but knowing its just a tease I like to sit and watch it fall but hope that it ends soon after all tonight is Games Night with my Grandson and Daughter as they take over the living room We've got Pizza to make and Blue Rays to watch, Paddington 2 is in the queue, so just for today Snow please don't lay, just blow through.
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