Snow lit night the moon was great, “Hurry my love before it is too late. Round yon cabin wind sails high, Breathe ye deep afore life passes by.”
The words rode steady a current invisible, A taste of madness a touch of dismal. Dreary the night. Run, run, the cabin arrive Upon the doorstep, a slim chance survive.
Unopened the door, an erratic beat my heart, “Oh, my love, no.” The tears they do start. We thrashed and banged, no entry in sight, A scream and a cry, lonely in the night.
Hear it. It gathered closer noise so eerie, Call it anything, call it everything eyes weak and bleary. In truth, a final thrust the opened door entered, Pieces and parts, tattered and splintered.
Safe. Alone. Ice and frozen fear, warmth is a need Roaring in the hearth, now, a fire to feed. Cuddled on the couch fright disappeared, Noises gone. Safe nothing else to fear.
UNTIL… Thump, thump, thump.
© Cynthia Clark
Well it ended like that, but maybe I could add.
The tension builds, what next?