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Author Shellie Palmer's words, resembling hallowed prayers, are wrapped in a bountiful bundle of

Updated: Oct 9, 2020

The Poetry Diaries by Author Shellie Palmer

Reviewed by Realistic Poetry International

Living in a world full of adversity and hardship can be tough, testing us in more ways than what we may truly realize or understand, just like it has done to Author Shellie Palmer.

This book, The Poetry Diaries, a verbal testimony of the trials and tribulations the Author encounters while traveling on her journey, does not deny the inevitable adversity and pain we must face as we find and fight our way through perplexing mazes of confusion and strive to maintain a healthy and positive outlook on life.

Though this book speaks with so much life, wisdom, and hope, Palmer openly admits, it hasn’t always been this way. Her honesty compels, causing inquiry and wonder as we ask, ‘what happened?’

Revealing the innermost parts of herself through diary-style, poetic accounts (dated and timestamped), Author Shellie Palmer is all too familiar with the emotional anguish and turmoil that can eat away at hearts like gnawing plagues, attacking, relentlessly, until all there is left is the bitter taste of disappointment, salty tears, and gloom.

Inflicted by the sharp arrow of depression, resentment, anxiety, and loneliness, Palmer’s words resonate as genuine and and honest, as she confesses to her own internal weaknesses and insecurities, shamelessly, displaying her desire and will to reject the darkness to grow from the empty place of resentment where her emotions frequently reside.

But this place of unhappiness is no place for the bright, golden heart of Palmer, ushering her farther from the shadows of misery and closer to the brilliant Light of God.

A strong believer in the Lord, we learn all throughout the book how Palmer’s divine source of strength and resiliency comes from nothing more than pure faith and belief in her Lord and Savior, as she says;

“Oh heaven, heaven give me hope, the strength to surpass the pain,”

Her prayers like medicine for a broken heart and tonic for the withering soul. Profoundly emotional and intimate, this collection is courageous, passionately driven to keep on going, despite the exhausting feeling of wanting to be perfect, which many of us can relate to!

Her words, resembling hallowed prayers, are wrapped in a bountiful bundle of hope, even in her deepest moments of sadness, inspiring others to accept themselves and to be accountable for their actions to promote self-esteem and spiritual maturity.

With a heart planted in God ’s gracious garden of love, Palmer also teaches and shares the beauty and importance of God’s love to others saying;

“We’re all human, people of God, he loves us all even in times we fail. God loves us all.”

Her relationship with the Most High is consistent throughout this book and is the key to her well being - mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, and is also the source of her happiness and ultimate freedom, two precious gifts humanity often eagerly seeks in many different ways. With this, poems such as, “A Crazy Ride,” resonate with a surge of confidence as she humbly claims victory, now unafraid to ‘ride the waves through the sky’ with all her might!

And though it isn’t always easy, Palmer seems to learn to adjust to the ups and downs of life, appreciating the good times while understanding there is a season and time for everything. To be happy. To grieve. To make mistakes. To love. To celebrate. To learn. And to teach. It is almost like a sudden, tranquil peace after the storm, reminding us of some popular biblical quotes and metaphors to support this philosophy.

After reading this book, we can honestly say that readers will feel rejuvenated, bold, enlightened, and assertive that they are not alone.

An advocate for humanity and life, Author Shellie Palmer is living proof that broken hearts DO heal, and our tainted perspectives of ourselves and our lives can change. But it is only up to us to be a willing participant to achieve positive and different results.

Glowing with hope and optimism, we are extremely happy to present this book with a 5-star rating, enjoying the realism, transparency, and multiple themes of humanity, spirit, God, and emotion.

Plus, we believe anyone can read this book. We highly recommend it for all those seeking healing through the Spirit and love of God and believe Author Shellie Palmer’s words will most certainly reach someone, somewhere, and make a sincere difference in our big, vast world, just like it did in her own. Beautiful poetic testimony, Shellie!

You are truly a shining inspiration.

This book is available for purchase on

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