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Realistic Poetry International introduces the prestigious Freedom Medal to the world!

What does freedom mean to poetry?

Poetry in old times and still today empowers many different people of all ages, backgrounds, statuses and ethnicities from around the world, liberating humanity of silence and stigmatization through the universal freedom of artistic and unique individual expression.

Grateful for the ability to unite and understand not only the freedom that can be found in Poetry, but also how Poetry can provide freedom, we’re honored to present the prestigious Realistic Poetry International Freedom Medal as a reflection of expression, leadership, community, charity, teamwork, unity, respect, creativity and truth.

More than an outlet for emotion, Poetry is a magnificent stage for the gifted and talented while on another end its diverse paths lay out the dream career for the future. Unbound and abstract, Poetry unleashes the unheard stories of people and life through unlimited verbal works of art while helping poets map out their dreams, speak aloud their words and define and represent their ideas, truths and philosophies- regardless of societies standards or economic background.

This sense of freedom is not limited to merely the creative sphere of poetry, but also expands into the alleviating world of healing and therapy, transforming lives and mindsets for the better while helping people rebuild broken pieces of their lives. Poetry is the compass to our future, with the mighty power to lead an entire generation of youth and children to prosperity by knowledge, inspiration, truth, wisdom and respect.

For this reason, as Founders and Owners of Realistic Poetry International, we are continuously inspired to celebrate, recognize and award courageous, positive, talented poets for using their words through poetry to learn, grow and connect with others while experiencing the freedom of expression and using it to define who they are and how they perceive the world and others around them- no matter the aftermath or judgement that may come thereof.

In a world where freedom can be scarce and perhaps even come at a high cost, we’re most certainly thankful for the art and gift of Poetry to, at no expense, fight for our freedom, protect our freedom, earn our freedom and write about our freedom. Because Poetry will set you free!

Enter our latest contest to win one of these medals or make a donation of $100.00 or more. Click the link below to find out more information about the Freedom Medal.


Owners & Founders of Realistic Poetry International

We would love to hear your thoughts and opinions about the new Freedom Medals! Please leave your comments below.

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