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M. J. Goode-Leake
Feb 21, 2023
In Share a poem with us today?
I, my life. Limited existence. Usually within a century. Birth, race, culture, ethnicity. Limited or unlimited opportunities. The potential within is unknown until inspired. Deities, & natural environments, shape my personality. My senses accept natural environments. Deities were written for reading. Nature's, visible sensual, soulful connection. I, my life.

I, my life. content media
M. J. Goode-Leake
Aug 14, 2022
In Poets Social Connection Image courtesy of Humanity has intentionally or unintentionally caused extinction, permanently damaged and injured every animal, mammal, and amphibian occupying every microscopic hectare of land, the volume of water within forested canopies, lakes, desert landscapes, ocean shorelines, and the deepest oceans worldwide. Ivory Billed Woodpecker declared extinct: extinct:*dc36r6*_ga*OEtsZlBlV182QU9fMDd2TXNZVzR0OWk0cWExM0l1VDR3Zm0wY0hmaDVHMmhJdHcxcE9QWU9JdlBodEQ0SFJnVg.. Nature is forever, as opposed to humanity's life span of fewer than one hundred years. Mountains forged and erected before humanity named its peaks have witnessed sunrises, sunsets, glowing moons, and eclipses. Trees growing more than one hundred years should be praised, never harvested, trunks and branches watching humanity walk past. Image captured by the author. ‎⁨Okanogan - Wenatchee National Forest⁩, ⁨Naches⁩, ⁨Columbia River Basin⁩, ⁨United States⁩ Humanity's conveniences are directly connected to the harvests of natural resources without concern for replacing, repairing, or honoring nature's past. Humanity's repeated attempts to imitate nature's smells, tastes, and flavors of every type never upset a natural world to seek revenge. Nature only reacts to humanity's misuse of natural resources to depletion and extinction with water, in your basement, climbing up your steps upon your doorway, shrinking shorelines. Nature reacts, but how will we, humanity respond or ignore the signs? I love nature and spend most of my time outside, and as a steward of nature, I clean up when I see trash left by others. I advocate for nature and against humanity's exploitation and extinction of its resources. Nature is authentically organic, polluted by humanity, and is older than any religion, rotating daily upon its axis for our benefit to enjoy its beauty without paying any tithe. Nature has never declared morality laws demanding what I should and should not do, so my spiritual reality is nature, who will never ask me to kill another human in its name.
Natures Spirituality content media
M. J. Goode-Leake
Jul 15, 2022
In Share a poem with us today?
I closed my eyes the day we met, dreaming of our first date together. After our first date, I closed my eyes to imagine a life with you and me. I close my eyes to relive our wedding day and the beauty we shared I close my eyes to observe our honeymoon, our first night together as husband and wife, and I smile. I close my eyes to recall our 47 anniversaries, and my heart skips a beat. I close my eyes to experience our love for our four children, seven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. I close my eyes with joy, sensing your touch upon my body as our love flows from my heart and soul. I close my eyes and can never imagine a day without you. You have closed your eyes for the last time, and I live with the love we have shared for a lifetime. Now, I dream of the days ahead when I close my eyes to see you again and to be with you in a heavenly place. Tonight I close my eyes.
I close my eyes content media
M. J. Goode-Leake
Dec 25, 2019
In Share a poem with us today?
It is the end of the year, or business quarter, when everyone is supposed to be nice to one another, a reason for the six weeks season of joy. Why, because of religion? Is it a religion of profits or prophets at the end of the business quarter for the commercial holiday season. Commercial holidays promote the frenzy to please, fellow humans with gifts of wealth without the gift of self. Spreading the seasonal joy daily, weekly, and monthly to help people is not a commercial profitable journey unless a non-profit for tax purposes. Can you to deceive the prophets of profits with their subliminal propaganda soliciting your money to become their margin of return. If we celebrate the season daily, weekly, monthly throughout a year, the joy of the season could be shared by all for the profits of love for one another, goodwill, and harmony. The real reason for the season is to carry on beyond the day of gift giving for all to share in the profits of joy for all humans and not the profits of a commercial holiday.
M. J. Goode-Leake
Dec 24, 2019
In Share a poem with us today?
Did religion join forces with businesses to end the year with gift-giving to become a joyous commercial holiday? It is the final business quarter, uniquely coinciding with a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of "Jesus." Yet, commercial profits have become the reason for the season. A supposed religious time for everyone to be kind to one another for six weeks of joy from Thanksgiving to New Years Day. A season for profits and the prophets who predict a robust 4th quarter. Commercials are a frenzy enticing, tempting, and encouraging, humans, to give gifts while never giving of themselves. The subliminal propaganda soliciting your money to increase the margin of return and dividend checks is the real reason for the season. If only these six weeks of joy were daily, weekly, and monthly instead of an enticement for people to give for tax purposes. The joy of the season should be shared by all for the profits of goodwill, harmony, and love. Humanity has evolved to worship the joy of profits for a commercial holiday?

M. J. Goode-Leake

Blogger, writer, poet, traveler, and photographer.

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