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Join date: Aug 3, 2018


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A poem with a painting, both created by me, to introduce you to where I am now moving forward from. I am a mother, wife, grandmother, sister, friend and a stubborn Polish Leo. I wear my heart on my sleeve as it guides me creatively. This life of mine does have purpose and I believe I have found the venue by which to serve. Know that each word, poem, painting and gesture is given with a piece of me included.


A seed planted in her womb

Regret grew as did her belly

This is not supposed to be

Yet, it's how it was

The Girl born from unsavory events

A constant reminder of all that is wrong

Loved and hated all at once

By the one who carried Her

A lifetime of guilt ridden gifts

Followed by anger and a tab

Then total quiet as She's disposed

More trouble than She's worth

Bullied, controlled, insulted and left

Till only She could fill a need

A cycle the Girl no longer accepts

No more excuses will She take

Walking away from what She never had

Realizing it will never be

A few tears stream down Her pale face

But stronger now, free to find Her place

Danusha Marie

My first birth certificate has my first name as "Girl". My life has been a journey worthy of both a drama and a sit-com. Always sensitive, creative and moved by every cultural art, I've now dedicated myself to sharing my personal creations with others. I'm at a stage in life where I wish I had the knowledge I have now with a rewind button to revisit a few decades back in time. Most importantly, I am for the first time truly free to be myself...even supported and encouraged to do so. As one chapter closes, so a new one begins. I embrace and am humbly honored to share this new chapter with you through my words, artwork and personal reflections. #LoveLife

Danusha Marie

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